Welcome to Visual Elements: Digital Tools. This term I’m continuing a practice most students in my previous class seem to enjoy. While we will be using PNCA’s homeroom site for uploading your projects, I’ll use this site to distribute all homework, exercises, readings, etc. If you are on your personal computer or laptop, you might want to bookmark this site.
Digital Tools Challenge Exam
If you feel like you are well versed in the use of both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, the two main applications we will be using in this class I strongly encourage you to take the Digital Tools Challenge Exam as soon as you can. There is no detriment to not passing and if you do, you will be able to take another elective. If this sounds like something you’d like to try please do it as soon as possible. This will make sure you will not miss too many days in the class you choose to replace this one with if you pass.